
Saturday, April 2, 2011

We Can't Be All Things

We can't be all things to all people. We aren't even all things to ourselves...because we are forever evolving while life swirls about us. It's when we stagnate that we fall short....and we  do that too.
It’s part of life to experience many things and to react according to our past experiences , maybe...and to act upon or let go of what we need to do. 
There's no crystal ball to help us see what path is the right way at any time in our lives. We muddle along thinking we're doing the right thing at the time but always with a gnawing doubt that haunts us and too often proves that we’ve been wrong.
That's why it's said that hindsight is a good thing., which, I suppose,  is a different way of saying we were likely wrong. Too bad foresight isn't possible instead.
In the end much of life is dumb luck.


So we go with the flow and suffer the ebb
Grab at the wind to hold on to
As the emptiness there blows to and fro
Flailed by a whip we must eschew
Another day passes
Choices again...
Again we decide which path we'll follow.
Painful for some but others we’ve made,
Leave us a heart that feels hallow.
And so we go on
Forward again
Leave our mistakes in the dust...
Intuition we follow is the one truth we know,
That we’ve learned is always august.
CSchlessel © 2011