
Friday, September 10, 2010


So you’ve heard mosquitos

Breed in the water...

Who knew that they could swim!

And however would you tell

Which one’s a her and which is him?

And you say they're as smart as we are

Well I dispute that fact…

How else could you have caught them

In their fornicating act.

And you say they don't have beds,

That sounds like such a good idea...

It may be easier when flying though, to,

Get ‘it’ in the at mos spheric sack.

And was your study scientific

When you say they reproduce?

Cause if they’re too prolific

We can spray so they’ll reduce.

Which as far as I’m concerned

Is what I’d like to do

Cause those bloody lil suckers

Just stung my billet-doux.

Now if you’d like to be the one

To explain 'planned parenthood',

Come visit those lil suckers living

In MY mosquito ridden ‘hood’.

Corrine Schlessel © 2000