
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Had children prayed
Did aryan children sing at Christmas time
As their fathers trouped through blood filled camps
Did they sweetly pray for peace and love
While SS boots so loudly stamped?
Did their mothers watch their children play
While Jews and Gypsies, misfits, friends,
Were throw like trash
Into countless ovens fiery end?
When they breathed in air of burning stench-
Did they question where and why
Or pretend those clouds of red and ash filled gray
Was an incendiary sky?
Had they prayed in churches holy worship
As the cattle trains passed by
Could they blame untold murders every day
On unknown ‘others’ with no alibi?
Did they not notice countless empty homes
Beatings, yellow stars upon their neighbors clothes?
While their children went to school and played.
Did they notice not all were blue eyed Aryan blondes
With up turned ‘christian’ nose?
In schoolyards, in their sheltered world,
Aryan children, on Germanys Aryan soil...
Never questioned starved and charred black bodies
From which not a one would make them all recoil
Do you think the prayers these aryans prayed
Was to stop the madness histories seen-
Or to pray they they’d be victorious
To make this world they thought was theirs,
Aryan pristine.
If only prayers could guarantee
The end of agony
I’d pray each moment of my life,
No matter where I’d be...
I’d address all angels of some lord
I’d sanctify some Holy name
I’d bless unknown saviors glories
To shelter us from further shame.
I’d bless the Jews and Christians,
Gypsies, Muslims, Gays;
All children newly born--
And grant finally upon this earth
That nevermore from wars
Shall even one with sad remorse
For just a moment
Need a death to mourn...
For it is love that we must ever share
To remember we are truly equal born.
corrine schlessel ©2008