
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Have A Faith My Very Own

If there is faith we each must own
Mine must be one that I have sown
Not organized with mumbo jumbo
No robes of red or black.,
No ceremonial flowing white
I want none...yes none of that.
I lift my hands to help not quote
Do deeds of good not prayers in rote
And follow, trust my intuition
Without a fear of sins contrition
Make place for mitzvahs that I do
Squash evils mans unthinking stealth.
My choices made are infinite 
For each undertaken , then solved task
There is no right nor wrong to judge
I have myself alone to ask .
I have myself to answer to 
No mythical ethereal cloud
No tablets nor some ancient wall
Nor deteriorating ancient shroud.
If I must answer to a god
She will be my very own
And if need be I’ll answer her
For it is to her that I’m best known.
I have a faith my very own.
C Schlessel © 3/2011

We leave behind disaster
We leave behind disaster
Both natural and man made
Aids, Chernobyl, Darfur, the Holocaust
With more to come; I am afraid.
We wished as every parent does
To leave a better world
Yet as we spin life’s nesting threads
Another crisis now unfurls.
Natural disasters that we’ve had
Are out of man’s control
And in the aftermath of challenges
We can barely help surviving souls.
Katrina, wildfires, oil spills, wars,
No clear horizon from the blight,
Unanswered prayers repeatedly
Offer up no end in sight.
Held high there’s still our shining jewel;
Hope lives in heart and mind,
Beseeching holy intervention
While knowing it is blind.
And if love is the answer
The question still remains
Why is this not a better world
Why is our love not unrestrained?
I know I know the answer
Too much hate that beats us down
Each tarnished heart repeating;
Wear not angelic crown
Hate rips away the thought of love
Destroys our hope and our redemption
We need discard hates old restraints
Replace our hate with good intention
To wear an angels glorious crown
And so show love
And so show care
Be there be there be there be there.
C Schlessel © March 2011