
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Braves Of Yesteryear

Spread everywhere my eye can see
on fertile lands ignobly gained,
wind-swirled dust of tribes once proud
spawn fruitful fields on greening plain.

Guilt's legacy well not neglect
your memory shall persevere,
within all hearts that stream respect,
they’ll ever hold a vigil there.

Sleep tranquilly in martyrs' graves,
brave warriors of a fallen cause!
No half mast flags of sorrow wave
still passive pilgrims grieve and pause.

In seeds of laurel in the earth,
green garlands of your valor's sown;
and somewhere waiting for rebirth,
is honor, withered dry as stone.

Stoop mournful angels from the sky;
to touch this ever sacred ground;
where braves defeated valor lies
awaiting tears~ grief's holy crown.

Brave apparition through the years,
safe hold your trust of storied tomb~
spread all they now can give~their tears,
upon the seed that's yet to bloom.

Proclaiming all who pilgrim here,
to shed new tears for old misdeeds,
upon proud braves of yesteryear,
long laid in earth of laurel seed.

© 1996 Corrine G Schlessel