
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hey Forward

She told anti-semetic jokes with great aplomb
Laughed heartily with glee
Her hatred and her prejudice
She thought not  aimed at me

I however, firmly differ and do not agree.
For her humors warped and hateful
But on Sundays put to rest
She goes to church to proclaim love
Dressed in her Sunday best...
Confesses past unholy sins
And thinks they’re put to rest.
With both her faces powdered
She shows but one alone
Her pasted smile and hate filled heart
Would make a strong priest groan.

Yet still she claims religion
But her claim is truly baloney
She is no matter what one thinks
A veritable phoney!
She hates the Jews and laughs at them
Tells venomous jokes to listeners
I think that she should tell those jokes
To her priest and their parishioners...
The laugh indeed would be on her
For  it’s said that ignorance is bliss
She needs to learn more tolerance ...
And I feel compelled to tell you this :
If she should ever say hello
And finds I don’t reply,
Perhaps she’ll give some second thoughts
To banal ”Jewish” jokes she may deny.,

Yet if I deign to answer her
That shame would be my due -
For she ‘s not deserving of acknowledgment
From this very proud committed Jew.

So she can shake her red and curly hair,
She can laugh at her own sick jokes,
But it would be wise of her to realize 
She's the fodder of ... us unreceptive folks.

Corrine Schlessel © 2/6/2011